What are the best practices for managing a remote or distributed workforce?

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Here are some best practices for managing a remote or distributed workforce:

1. Communication: Communication is the key to managing remote employees. Use video conferencing, chat, email or any other platform that ensures effective communication.

2. Trust: Trust your remote workforce. Provide them with clear goals and expectations, and give them the autonomy to achieve their objectives.

3. Technology: Use technology to manage remote employees effectively. Use remote desktop software, time tracking tools, and collaboration tools such as Google Drive, Dropbox, and Trello.

4. Clear Expectations: Provide clear expectations which include deadlines, deliverables, and objectives. Ensure that your remote workforce understands the goals, the timeline, and the milestones.

5. Regular Check-Ins: Schedule regular check-ins with your remote workforce to keep them updated on project progress, provide feedback, and to maintain a sense of community.

6. Establish Boundaries: Draw clear lines between work and personal life. Encourage your team to maintain work-life balance, and provide them with resources which will help them with their personal lives.

7. Team Building: Foster a sense of community among your remote workforce by organizing regular team building activities. This strengthens the working relationships, creating a more cohesive team.